
Can dogs smell fear?

Can dogs smell fear

“Don’t be scared, dogs can smell your fear,” you have definitely heard someone say this at least once or have said it yourself to someone who’s scared of dogs. But is this true? YES! Dogs can smell fear, among other emotions and so much more! If you’ve ever been in a position where you were […]

How to choose the best and the safest dog leash?

How to choose the best and the safest dog leash

It’s crucial for you and your dog to spend time outside everyday. Stretching out while taking in the sun is a huge advantage, whether you go for a fast jog or a leisurely stroll. But when you’re out with your dog, there are precautions you should take to keep them safe, secure and under your […]

Arthritis in Dogs: Early Signs, Diagnosis and Treatment

Arthritis in Dogs Early Signs Diagnosis and Treatment

Growing old is most certainly a privilege but it is also hard, for humans and animals alike. Arthritis is one such painful illness that more commonly affects senior dogs and causes joint problems that hugely affect their mobility and quality of life. According to a study, 80% of the dogs above 8 years old would […]

Senior/ Elderly Dog Care Tips

Senior Elderly Dog Care Tips

If any pet owner had one wish, it would be to have their pets by their side forever. Like us, dogs age (although a bit faster than we’d like them to) and proper care can ensure the healthiest and longest life possible for your furry friend. Senior dogs need special care and here is everything […]

Furry Festivities – how to include your dog in fun and festivities!

Furry Festivities how to include your dog in fun

Written by Disha Ramanan Updated 28 September 2022 It’s that time of year again – we’ve begun the festive season with gusto! Every year, from October until the new year we celebrate, we shop, we splurge, we eat, we visit with one another and we have an absolute blast. For those of us pet parents […]

Tips to keep pets safe & stress-free during Diwali, Christmas & Festive Season

Tips to keep pets safe stress free during Diwali Christmas

Enthusiasm and holiday spirit are at an all-time high as the festive season approaches. Every year during this time, families get together to rejoice. Why exclude your pet from this celebration? We’re all unsure of the best approach to make the holiday season memorable for our furry pals while still involving them in all the […]

Which Dog Breed Is Right For Small Apartments And Flats

Which Dog Breed Is Right For Small Apartments And Flats

A dog’s love is unconditional, and so should our care for them. Choosing a dog breed for your home should be based on a thorough research and must not be taken lightly. One must remember that a dog is a long-term commitment (at least 12-14 years or the whole natural life of the animal) and […]

How to find a lost/missing dog in India

How to find a lostmissing dog in India

There’s nothing more traumatising for a pet parent than to have their pet go missing. Not knowing whether you will ever be able to find your fur-baby and bring her back home can be extremely distressing. Keeping your cool at a time like this and focusing on finding your pet can be a seemingly daunting […]

Advantages and disadvantages of spaying and neutering your dog

Advantages and disadvantages of spaying and neutering your dog

Many pet parents grapple with the decision of whether or not to get their dogs neutered/spayed. There are all kinds of theories, conflicting information and myths associated with getting your dog/cat ‘fixed,’ which makes it even harder for a pet parent to make an informed decision. Here are some commonly asked questions and their answers […]

Do dogs need winter clothes?

Do dogs need winter clothes

With the ever-growing trend of dog fashion all around the world, it’s hard not to consider clothing your dog in cute outfits. Some dogs love wearing clothes & accessories (e.g. dog bowties and bandana/scarf) and seem to be totally comfortable, while some resist putting anything on their bodies. It’s important to respect your dog’s choice […]